Oct 21, 2023

የግልና የቡድን የቤት ሥራዎችና ማጣቀሻ ዋቢ መጻሕፍት
assignments and references


October 21, 2023 
Sacraments of the Church
Individual Assignment

Due on Oct 28

Age group 8-12

1. What do we say when entering the church?

2. What do we say when kissing the Holy Bible in Kidasie?

3. What do we say when kissing the Cross in the hand of the priest?

4. What do we need to say when taking the Kurban from the Priest and deacon?

5. How the Sunday School students can serve in the church, such as at Kidasie time?

Age group 13+

1. List at least three Symbol (type) of Baptism in the Old Testament

2. List at least three Symbol (type) of Holy Communion in the Old Testament

3. List at least three Symbol (type) of Holy Order in the Old Testament

4. Please list a type of Sacrifice in the Old Testament and New Testament

5. Why are Babies given a cord (Ma’eteb) of three colors? •What are the three colors and their meanings

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