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All that is required is access to on-line or mobile banking and you can donate to our church by email. Please provide your name and also you can put a note in the ‘message’ section of your e-transfer providing instructions on how to apply your gifts. Otherwise, all donations will be used for our general operating fund unless specifically specified.
Send your donations to: treasurer@stgabrieleotcvictoria.org
If you are not familiar with e-Transfer, the following website contains a video and information showing how it works:
Direct Deposit ( Pre-Authorized giving):
Pre-authorized giving via your bank allows for a specific dollar amount to be deducted automatically from a cheque or savings account. Please submit this
By Cash / Check:
If you would like to drop off your cash / check in person: Please contact
W/ro Mihret Kidane, Treasurer. Telephone: 250- 896- 0414
To send a check or money order, please use the following.
Payable to: Greater Victoria Ethiopian St. Gabriel Church
Our mailing address:
1100 Colville Rd
P.O.B: 36039 Esquimalt,
B.C, Canada, V9A 7J5
For more information please contact us.
Email: vicechair@stgabrieleotcvictoria.org | treasurer@stgabrieleotcvictoria.org